Another medical service provided at Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center is STD testing.
We test specifically for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. FPRC offers this medical service only to clients coming in for pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. Determination of an STD during the first trimester is critical to eliminate the risk of complications to mother and child later in pregnancy. Clients self-swab using the latest Visby technology and results are available within 30 minutes. Positive results will be reported to the California Department of Health. FPRC will refer the client to an OB/GYN for treatment, further testing or follow-up.
Contact us today to discuss with our Nurse how we can provide this STD testing service for you.

Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center is happy to not only provide ultrasounds, supplies and STD testing, but also to offer a variety of support groups and classes that meet as our clients have the need. Such support groups and classes are:
• Women’s Support Group
• Guys for Guys Mentoring
• Parenting Classes – click HERE to see the upcoming schedule
• One-on-One Mentoring for Women – see the details below
Please inquire with us should you be interested in attending. We would love to get you plugged in!
Mentorship Opportunity
We are excited to offer our clients time to meet with a mentor who can provide encouragement, spiritual direction and prayer support. We have time slots available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please call our office if you are interested or have any questions!